Today, April 14th 2020. Mommy's birthday on lockdown because of the virus outbreak. Inspite of it, entire clan - daughters, sons-in-grace, grandchildren, grandchildren-in-grace, got together online. Grateful hearts gathered. Thankful to the Lord for the life of Mommy G. From the day He made her in Apong's womb, through the many seasons of her life, Daddy God has been faithful. Father has blessed ahead her journey and written ahead her destination. Surely, with long life with many good days as He's promised, will He satisfy mommy. Praise the Lord for each day He made for her. Sans the birthday cake, Z and I made this polvoron together today. Z wanted it with Oreo bits. (I pray our time in the kitchen be more of happy memories to her, than of me scolding 😅) How timely that there's this mooncake mould from hubbytot. We dedicate this one big pretty chunk of floral polvoron to our one and only Mommy, Lola G. P...