Expanding spinach beyond the adobo kangkong-esque taste, we tried it the Korean way. Sigeumchi-namul 시금치나물 -- the name of the dish is quite a mouthful to say in Korean to my untrained tongue. However, it really is a great mouthful to eat 😉 My M, upon arriving home from school, went straight to the kitchen, and announced that she's going to skip lunch. But when she saw what's on the table, that plan was altogether cancelled.😜 This one is really easy, no need to turn the stove on, even. Ready a couple of ingredients only and it's good to go. 🍃 Ingredients A pack or 2 spinach 1 garlic crushed, then minced 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tsbp sesame seeds (toasted or not toasted) chili flakes (optional) nuts (optional) 🍃 Steps Blanch the spinach leaves by soaking them in very hot (boiled) water in a bowl for a few minutes, until soft (about 5 minutes, maybe). Transfer the leaves to cold water to stop the cooking process (going for soft, but not mushy texture). Drain i...