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Great Balls of Sweet n' Sour

Sweet and tangy meatballs with soft-boiled eggs.  Great balls of, umm, not fire, but flavors and textures. A perfect pair. Kids love this, especially when reaching home, tired and hungry from school. This dish is simply tasty, filling, and comforting like those happy days at home. Missing eggs in the picture.😅  All went straight to our happy bellies. 🧆 Tools   Chopping board & knife Mixing bowl (stainless steel/aluminum for raw meat) Platter (for balled minced pork) Not-shallow-not-deep pan Ladle Small Bowl (for boiled eggs ice-cold water soak) 🧆 Ingredients 250g Minced pork aka ground pork 3/4 Onion, minced 1 Celery, minced (or Chayote, optional, this is a meat extender) 1 Carrot, minced (optional, also a meat extender) 1/4 Onion, sliced 2 Garlic, minced 1 carrot, sliced like flowers Pineapple slices (optional) Soft boiled eggs Oyster sauce Brown sugar Pineapple sauce Ketchup or Tomato sauce Water Cornflour & tepid water (for slurry) 🧆 Steps ***Prep the meatb...
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Mapo tofu, ma'boy!

Up for a rich & hot protein  double whammo  dish?  Try this Mapo Tofu ! This is an easy & flavorful dish with its signature red color   a nd spicy taste  f rom its use of the Sichuan peppercorn. It is  a  popular  traditional   Chinese dish,  hailing from Sichuan province. "Mapo" in Chinese means 'pockmarked old woman' . It is said that this dish was invented by one who was nicknamed the same. Here in the Lion City, there are numerous variations to Mapo dishes, like Mapo Eggplant, Mapo Noodles, etc. (i think i saw a Mapo Burger ad somewhere? 🤔) The possibilities are endless, I suppose! And dare I say, they will all taste absolutely great. Here was our take of Mapo Tofu Rice Bowl , and my oh my !  A little less on the heat, so our boy could take it. But oh was it still good.  Silky tofu, savory meat, and that little red bite. The latest  pin to the family menu.🔨 🌶️ Tools Chopping board & knife Grater (for ...

Krispi Enoki, eni-one?

Another crispy veggie.   Mm mm mm mushroom .  Need I say more? 🍄Tools Mixing bowl (for batter) Strainer Kitchen towel or cooling rack 🍄Ingredients 1 + 1/2 pack enoki mushroom 1 + 1/2 cup All purpose Flour 1/4 cup Cornstarch 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Ground Pepper 3 tsp Garlic powder 3 tsp Smoked Paprika Cooking oil for frying 🍄Steps *** Prep enoki Unpack, lay flat on chopping board.  Chop off the bottom, but leave off 1/4 inch to hold the shrooms together. Slice enoki horizontally. Place in a basin and wash gently but thoroughly.  Check each bunch for stray roots and dirt.  Wash again as needed. Drain well. Place on a kitchen towel and pat-dry. *** Prep batter In a mixing bowl add flour, cornstarch, salt,pepper,and choice herbs / spices. Mix well. Set aside for frying time. *** Cook enoki Heat the deep-frying pan to high.  Add cooking oil. When oil is hot enough (do the chopsticks oil test), dip the mushroom into the batter, shake excess off, and drop gently...

StrudeLoo! 🍯🍑🍎🍇

☀️A strudel hack makes our weekend brunch  so easy like a Sunday mornin'🎵❤️ . This Pratha Strudel is hands-down in my top fave hacks because it gives me more time with my family, especially on weekends-- we get to enjoy each other's company, sip our coffee while it's still warm (milk for the kids), nibble our crispy pastries, our morning unhurried and pleasant. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👶👩👧☀️ ---and isn't that a most precious well-spent time? Easy to prepare, c risp and delicious. Tools Sauce bowl Fruit bowl Baking tray Baking paper Teaspoon Knife Chopping board Fork Ingredients Pratha Fruit jam or apple sauce Fresh fruits, diced Steps Line your baking tray with baking paper. Prepare the filling. Prepare the wraps. Preheat toaster or oven at 180°C for 5mins. Add   filling to the wrap, just enough so you can "seal" without oozing out. Form the strudel (see the picture). "Seal" all sides with a fork ( very important! ) as you would a puff pie. Toast or bake for ...

🍤Pratha Camaron Rebosado

Camaron Rebosado + Pratha. 2  cultures combined =  shiok ! I remember I love a good camaron rebosado, dip it in the sour sauce and its a heavenly bite. 🤤 Just like the huge ones i used to have at  AA's BBQ  in  Cebu City  way back when. I've always wanted to let the kids try at home. And then i bumped into this pratha hack. (Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah 🕺🕺🕺).  A t last, Camaron Rebosado is served! 🍤Tools Knife Tray Frying pan Ladle Spider-ladle Strainer / cooling rack or tray topped with kitchen towel 🍤Ingredients Large shrimp, peeled, deveined Salt Pepper Pratha wraps 🍤Steps Wash & tap-towel dry the shrimp. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Slice the pratha into 6 strips. Wrap each shrimp with pratha dough (s ee demo at 1:11 ). Place on the tray.  Heat the frying pan, add the cooking oil.  Once the oil is ready for frying (do the chopstick bubbles test), gently put the shrimps in 1 by 1. Turn the shrimp around using tongs, to make sure ea...

Bun Me! Pineappled Bak Wa

🏮Bring Lunar New Year vibes to the table with Bak Wa & Mantou.  Vibrant colors, savory, fresh, crisp, tangy, soft and warm, Mmmmm to the senses.🤤 It's a sensational meal that's a big hit for both kids and grown-ups. Tools steamer sauce pan ladle Ingredients 1 tsp cooking oil Mantou or Pao, steamed Bak Wa, warmed Pineapple slices, lightly roasted Mini- Romaine Lettuce PineApple Sauce  Steps Steam mantou or pao buns according to package instructions. Slice the bakwa and lettuce proportional to the size of the bun. Ready the pineapple slices. Ready the PineApple sauce . (see  recipe )  Best served while the buns are warm. Enjoy!  Here was our colorful spread: *Beside bak wa is our ymca-ed sweet sour meatballs. (Yesterday's Meal Cooked Again 😅) Yup,a bun meal is very versatile! 🪷 Kung Hei Fat Choi! 🪷  🎊 💡Inspired by: CNY feels in the red dot

🍍🍎Tangy Pine-Apple Sauce

My 1st time to make the "ham" sauce base and it's so easy and tastes like Christmas.🌟 Thanks to the  🥫  applesauce shared by Mom from my big sis. (Oof! Must find good recipes before it expires! 😅) Tools small sauce pan ladle spoon for tasting Ingredients 1/4 cup Pineapple sauce 1 tbsp Oyster sauce 3 tbsp Apple sauce 3 tbsp Water white Sesame seeds Steps On low heat, warm the sauce pan. Add the pineapple sauce and oyster sauce, cook for a minute. Add apple sauce and water. Simmer while stirring for a minute. Add sesame seeds and simmer for another minute. Transfer to a sauce bowl. It's great with salads and fried meat. Enjoy! 💡Inspired by: Christmas family memories🎄😍