It was my sister who introduced me to Nancy Drew and her posse, Bess and George. Back in 4th grade, from a book she brought home from the school library. Erm, at least that's how I remember it.
One Nancy Drew thing stands out in my memory though. The title "The Secret of the Old Clock". I vividly remember how the book looked, hard-bound, yellow spine, thick pages. The picture in the front cover showed Nancy, alone, crouched on the grass in the quiet woods at night, opening that old clock and looking so, well, so secretive about it! I recall how i felt then, seeing that picture, there is a thrill, like you were on the verge of discovery of a very precious secret!
Thus, i got hooked in a much enjoyable way. I had graduated from fairy tales, fables and legends and had moved into mystery. It was one mystery solved after another! A different kind of adventure!
How about you? Were you, or are you an avid Nancy Drew fan?
What was your 1st mystery solved with her? 🔍
Who was your favorite character?
...It is nice to reminisce. Despite the danger, never-saw-those-coming twists, befuddling riddles, and goosebumps that came with Nancy, somehow, those are simpler days. 😎
When the time comes that my daughters are ready, there will definitely be a meetup with Nancy. 😃
When the time comes that my daughters are ready, there will definitely be a meetup with Nancy. 😃
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