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This Japanese dish is simple to make, delicious, and very filling!

Non-batter ingredients:
1/2 head cabbage julienned then cubed
scallions / spring onions
Spam / bacon / thin pork belly slices (optional)
Bonito flakes (optional)

Batter ingredients:

1 cup plain flour / cake flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 cup dashi (or 1/2 chicken bouillon cube dissolved in 1 cup hot water
1 cup fresh milk  + 1tsp baking powder (or cup japanese mountain yam2)
4 eggs lightly beaten

Whisk together all batter ingredients except eggs 

      (do not overwhisk).
Cover and put in fridge for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, whisk in gently the beaten eggs.
Add scallions / spring onions (leave some for garnish).
Add cabbage.
Mix well.

Like coleslaw - but pancakey cabbage.

Okonomi sauce ingredients:
1 tbsp white sugar
3.5 tbsp worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
4 tsp ketchup 

Whisk together and pour into squeeze bottle.

Ala Japanese Mayo sauce ingredients:
1 tbsp white sugar
1 cup plain mayo
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar / white vinegar

Whisk together.
Consistency should be a little more runny than regular mayo.
Pour into squeeze bottle


1. Add 4 tbsp oil in a flat pan over medium heat.
2. Pour 1/2 of cabbage mixture (about 8" around and 1.5" thick).
3. Coax into shape.
4. Layer top w/ meat.
5. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, or until set.
6. Flip, cover and let cook for 5 minutes.
7. Transfer to a plate.
8. Pour okonomi sauce generously.
9. Drizzle with mayo sauce and design.

Pairs really well with pork/chicken tonkatsu for some protein.

^.^ Enjoy!



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