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Lemon Pasta Limone

🍋 Lemon Pasta Limone 🍝

Our family is still running a lemon streak. 😋 Lemon invaded our pasta ensemble last week.

plus, i learned that "limone" is lemon in Italian. Interesting trivia for our Z who loves all lemony things and whose 2nd name rhymes with limone. No wonder she loves limone!

i, too, am very fond of sour, especially vinegar sour; my hubby is not though. (my beloved sinigang, adobo, pinoy ensalada dishes are thus relegated to r.a.r.e. appearances on our table). BUT, he's ok with lemon. This is a compromise i am happy with.

Lemon Pasta - ingredients

  • zest from 1 whole lemon
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 can of cream
  • grated cheese
  • 1.5 cup pasta water - to desired consistency
  • pinch of salt
    (if you have not put enough salt while cooking the pasta or if you used unsalted butter)
  • 500g pasta
  • 6 tbsp butter
  • ground black pepper, to taste

1. peel a long strip of lemon zest (with peeler), julienne and set aside for garnish.
2. zest the whole lemon, set aside.
3. squeeze out the juice from the lemon.
4. in a pan, add the cream and zest and cook a minute on medium heat. stir often.
5. add the butter, 1 tbsp at a time and let it melt.
5. simultaneously, cook the pasta al-dente.
6. slowly, add 1.5 cup pasta water to the cream sauce.
7. add the lemon juice.
8. add the pasta. 
9. add the grated cheese.
9. add black pepper, to taste.

this was what we had v0.1: 😋 

verdict:  👍👍👍👍 --> 1 from each family member

if they're happy, i'm happy. so, pen it in the blog we go...

learned from: Molly Makes Pasta Limone


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