The aroma of sardines sauteed in oil leads me down Childhood Memory Lane. Of busy cleanup weekend mornings, each to his own task, happily or grudgingly 😆, nail down that shining shimmering spotless clean✨ as Mum would like it.
When all's done, there will be lunch al fresco on a bright sunny Saturday. A flurry of us back & forth from the house to the garden, plates, cutleries, pitcher of fruit juice & cups, warm rice and viands on trays in tow, not to forget pitching the giant picnic umbrella ⛱, and voila, everyone seated, said grace, and dug in!
Growing up, many a times canned sardines got my family through difficult times. Back then, a single can of 555 or Hakone was inexpensive. When mixed with a lot of veggies like sayote, ripe tomatoes, aromatic onion, and odong noodles, it can make for a satisfying and substantial meal. Thank God for my wise mum, our huge brood was filled to the full! Nice one to cap with our 🧹🚮 mission accomplished!
In this dish, the humble sardinas takes an Italian spin, with 2 of Italy's staple ingredients, olive 💧il, and t🍅matoes.
🐟🥫 Ingredients
1 cup breadcrumbs
knob of unsalted butter
salt, to taste
olive oil
1 big can sardines, deboned
3 ripe tomatoes, diced
1 garlic minced, or chopped
1 chili sliced, or tbsp of chili flakes
1 big onion, minced*
tomato sauce (optional)
black pepper
1 pack pasta (500g)
warm pasta water
🐟🥫 Steps
In a pan, saute breadcrumbs in butter.
Add dash of salt for flavor.
Drain on kitchen towel.
In the same pan, saute garlic in olive oil.
Add chili / chili flakes.
Add debones sardines.
Add dried oregano.
Add cherry tomatoes.
Add carrots*.
Add black pepper.
Cook for a few minutes.
Add 2 tbsp pasta water.
Add cooked pasta.
Tip: Go for a more sticky consistency, not runny.
Top with crispy buttered breadcrumbs, grated cheese, then, parsley or celery leaves.
Pour onto serving bowls.
Pair with toasted bread.
Buon appetito!
Simple yet OH LA LA, what a flavor punch!!!
Here's one of our takes:
I am sooooo pleased that our little Tov loved this dish too. Another recipe up into the family menu list. 🐠💙🍝
💡 Inspired by:
Chef Gordon Ramsay's Pasta with Tomato, Anchovy, & Chili
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