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Garlic. Good for the heart.

Butter. Yummy for the tummy. (Ehrm.)

Olive oil, healthy. out-guilts butter's bad cholesthingies.

Crispy-topped toast.

Lightly roasted cherry tomatoes.

Uhm, ah, uhm.

Super-garlic-frolic-lickin-espially-docious good eats.

The 2nd attempt, big on flavor and perfect crispy texture-- the little ones, blooming ones and young once-more can take just the right bite. None of that gnawing, why-cant-my-teeth-bite-thru struggles (whew).


1/4 butter melted

1/4 cup olive oil

1 head garlic minced

Herbs- parsley, basil, rosemary, etc. (optional)

Sweat in a shallow pan to bring the juice out & cook the garlic slightly (not browned, it will be roasted enough with the bread later on).

1/4 butter softened

2 singles cheese grated

A dollop of heavy cream (or natural yoghurt for a healthier option).

A little salt (adjust if cheese is salty already)

Mix all in a bowl.

Easily slather that spread on the bread!

The more, the better. :-p

Warm up the stove. 

Bring in the griddle or shallow pan again (same one used earlier for the garlic saute).

On medium heat, toast that bread spread-side down for 30 seconds or so.


👍👍 Version2 - butter & olive oil, cheese & cream

📔 Tips: ...

👍Version1- no mayo and no oven.

Not so easy to spread the spread :-p But taste-wise, it was very good!

On hindsight maybe butter 1/8 is melted and mixed with minced garlic. Then, add 1/2 *softened*  butter, and grated cheese... more spreadable? 

💡 Inspired by:


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