TZATIKI, Greek: τζατζίκι).
A simple cooling Grecian dip that elevates the dish it comes with.
- Perfect with grilled/fried meat of choice (poultry, fish, pork/beef).
- Even works well with any veggie stick - celery, carrots, cucumber.
- Hoorah for fellow snack-munch-bunch out there, this is great with chips and crackers too - more so for the hot/spicy/salty kind (snacks, I mean, yah? Well, also for the hot-headed🌩💢😠snacker. This dip can cool you down 🌨❅❆ , tellin ya').
It's very easy to prepare. One important ingredient is dill. This is not a usual herb used in my kitchen. But, mainly for the love of tzatiki, I make sure we always have a stock in the kitchen, be it fresh or dried.
🌿 Steps
2 cups plain yogurt, cooled1/2 tbsp lemon juice
4 pressed/crushed garlic cloves
1/3 cup chopped dill
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
mix all in the dip bowl.
mix all in the dip bowl.
keep in fridge until ready to serve.
then, enjoy -- dip dip dip away!
Here's one. 🌶☼heat bye bye!🌬
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